1 min read
Navigating Managebac (For Students)
  • The first thing that needs to be done is to ensure that your supervisor has been correctly entered on Managebac. If there is no supervisor or you have the wrong supervisor then you should contact the EE Coordinator to ask them to fix this.
  • Your EE topic information and research question needs to be entered onto your worksheet tab- proposal form. Here you will also find your deadlines and to-do lists.
  • After each deadline you and/or your supervisor must check off the to-do list as you complete each task.
  • To submit work you must go via these deadline links or via the calendar to access the dropbox. Please do not simply upload to your worksheet as it will not show in the correct dropbox.
  • You have 3 reflections to complete under the planning and progress form. Your first, interim and final reflections should be entered and must not exceed 500 words. Keep notes about each of your meetings in the researchers reflection space. You can use these notes to inform your reflections. Your sources can be kept here as well. 
  • Once you have submitted your final draft you will complete your final reflection and then your supervisor will complete the final steps

Please see the following Tutorial Video

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